Policies and Procedures


Please find here our parent contract, as well as our guidelines and policies for you to read, Dazzling stars will provide lists of policies for you to sign.

At Dazzling Stars we understand how difficult it is for parents to leave their child/children in the setting and return to work.  We will work with you to ensure your child is settled and happy with the care that we provide. We organise settling in sessions for the parents and child to enable smooth transition from home to the setting.  This gives you the opportunity to provide us with lots of information about your child i.e. likes, and dislikes, routines, favourite activities, how to comfort your child if they become upset. These give us opportunity to start and build relationship with you and your child and to understand both needs and wishes. We are happy for parents to stay until they feel that their child is settled.  Some children do take longer than others to settle and some settle quickly.  We will work with you to support your child through this transition period and make it as easy as possible.  It is important to us that your child is happy, relaxed and settled. Practitioners at Dazzling stars are happy for you to telephone during the day to find out how your child is doing especially the first week of transition.  We are happy to take your calls, but sometimes we might not be able to talk for long, or even to answer the telephone if we are attending to child’s personal needs, for example changing a nappy or during activities. Do not panic if you call and there is no answer.  You can leave a message and we will return your call. If you have any concern regard this policy please discuss them with management

The safety of your child is paramount, though most children will have occasional falls and minor accidents at some point. Whilst we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that hazards to children both indoors and outdoors are kept to a minimum, we recognise that children need to explore and test their own developing physical abilities and will therefore occasionally have an injury. When such an accident occurs we will:

Comfort the Child and provide any necessary first aid treatment that we have all been trained to do. Record details of what happened in the accident book including any treatment given. Sign the accident book and ensure that whoever collects the child is made aware of it. Consider any changes which need to be made to the setting, equipment or routines etc

If a child needs hospital treatment, we will contact the child’s Parent/guardian immediately and arrange to meet them at the hospital. The injured/sick child will be transported by ambulance or taxi at our expense to the hospital and one of the practitioners will travel with child. Other Practitioners will stay with remaining children and we will do our best and ensure other children are safe, reassured and kept calm. We will notify Ofsted and the local child protection agency of any serious accident, injury or serious illness of any child whilst in our care and act on any advice given. We would then inform our Insurance Company and contact our Community Development Officer for additional advice or support.

Our premises have been checked and they meet the national standards for childcare outlined by Ofsted. We also regularly assess, review, update and practice safety routines. The manager and Deputy Manager have First-aid training and certificate. Practitioners can administer basic first-aid treatment.  Dazzling Stars First Aid Box is situated in the office. It is clearly labelled and easily accessible.

Should any child require medication, Dazzlingstars’s medication form must be completed by the Parent/Carer before leaving the child in our care. This form will outline the name of the medication to be given, times and doses to be given. Medication will only be given to children if it has been prescribed by the doctor and has the name of the child on the label. The exact dosage will be followed as prescribed on the label.

Calpol or other paracetamol products will only be administered to children with a temperature providing that the Parent/Carer has signed the consent form prior to administration. Consent is included in Dazzling Stars registration form. Calpol will only be administered in the dose set out in the guidelines on the bottle with the maximum dosage being 7.5ml for up to 4 years of age. Once Calpol has been administered parents are asked to collect their child as soon as possible. Dazzling Stars will not administer more than one dose of Calpol to any child after realising the child has high temperature.

Cough medicines and other medication which has not been prescribed by the doctor will not be administered in the Setting. All medication administered by practitioner is recorded in the medication sheet and witnessed and signed by the Manager or Deputy Manager. All medication is stored in accordance with the label on the container. Where refrigeration is required medication is stored in the kitchen fridge. Staff who require medication whilst at work must keep medicines in their personal locker or if no locker is available, in office. Medication must not be taken into the rooms or other areas where children are present. Children who receive regular medication i.e. asthma inhalers or epilepsy medication are supported accordingly through partnership with parents/carers Children with additional needs are provided with an individual box which contains the medication and a procedure sheet outlining when the medication is needed and what care they require. If training is required to administer medication this is done by setting manager/appropriate practitioner

Parental Agreement for Dazzling stars to administer Prescribed medicine.  We will not give your child medicine unless you complete and sign this form.  The setting has a policy that staff can administer medicine.


Name setting: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Name of Child…………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Date of birth……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Medical condition/illness…………………………………………………………………………………………


Medicine Name/as described on the container…………………………………………………….



Dispensed ………………………………………………………………………………


Expiry Date………………………………………………………………………………………



And method…………………………………………………………………………………………


Timing ………………………………………………………………………………………………




Please list special precautions or any side effects that the Setting needs to know about Child




Name of Parent/carer……………………………………………………………………………………


Day time telephone …………………………………………………………………………………………


Relationship to child ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Address ———————————————————————————————-


We understand that we must deliver the medicine as agreed, Please be aware that this is  service that the setting is not obliged to undertake.





Dazzling stars is committed to safe and inclusive environment.  Children at Dazzling stars are nurtured and encouraged in a happy, caring and fun environment.  The setting is a happy place, good behaviour is expected for all children to enjoy their educational journey.    This policy is designed to promote good behaviour, rather than merely deter anti-social behaviour. At Dazzling stars we expect the highest standards of behaviour and we make a point to acknowledge, praise and reward behaviour that is good. In order for our children to learn effectively, feel respected, safe and secure we have invested in establishing and reinforcing our expectations of good behaviour. Aims: We endeavour to: – value each child and aim to promote self esteem and encourage respect for one another. We treat all children fairly and apply this policy in a consistent way by providing a caring, happy and welcoming environment with a sense of community and a feeling of pride for all those involved with our setting. We demonstrate and develop tolerance, kindness and consideration for one another including the children we educate and look after. Good behaviour is a vital part of Dazzling stars.  Practitioners work together to achieve high standards of behaviour.  Good behaviour will develop through good examples and positive encouragement at home and at Setting. In our setting we have Good manners matter board: these themed set is to remind children of appropriate daily etiquette and behaviour.  This include “say please and thank you”, “Listen”, “share”, “cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough” , take turns, help others, wash your hands etc. We value: – self-respect and self-discipline – respect and concern for others and for the environment – care and consideration – tolerance and understanding – courtesy and politeness. Partnership with Parents:  We seek the full support of this policy from all parents and rely on them to work in partnership with us to encourage good behaviour. We encourage the sharing of concerns at an early stage.

What we do to support positive behaviour:

Adults modelling positive behaviour Praising and rewarding positive behaviour We teach routines for certain activities e.g. Story time, meal time, tiding up, sharing toys etc. Prompting children to follow expectations and gradually reducing prompts Using stories and songs as a strategy for encouraging/supporting positive behaviour

At Dazzling stars we encourage high standard of behaviour at all times We support children in following instructions and the routines of the setting.  We praise and encourage children when good behaviour are displayed. We consistently remind children of the setting’s guidelines on behaviour management and encourage children to work collaboratively with each other.

Parents are encouraged to discuss child’s behavioural difficulties if there is any concern. We understand that some of our children have had a difficult start to life and some may have significant social and emotional difficulties.  Dazzling stars is prepared to work collaboratively with parents to achieve desired results. At Dazzling stars we encourage positive behaviour with praise.  We give praise to children who are excelling. We also encourage those who are trying, but struggling. We give them verbal praise to reinforce positive effort.

Methods of Praise Includes: A smile or clap, verbal praise like well done, good try and very good. Outstanding and good works are display within the setting, on notice boards and around environment.  Stickers like star, smiles etc. are given out for outstanding behaviour Dazzling stars Staff are capable of supporting challenging behaviour through de-escalation, mediation, behaviour and support.  We have a duty of care to all children in our care, and rules are necessary to minimise health and safety risks and ensure there is no concern for the wellbeing of everybody.  Dazzling stars Behaviour policy is not simply a system for enforcing rules but means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of ensuring all children can learn in a good atmosphere Setting rules are displayed in the play area. When rules are broken it is made clear to the child that it is the behaviour that is at fault and they are still valued as individuals. When there is a need to remind children of how they should behave we do so calmly and clearly, using the language they can understand and relate to.  We celebrate achievement of every kind at Dazzling Stars and aim to develop self-discipline and self esteem through praise and encouragement. The following are regarded as serious – Bullying, slapping, biting, throwing objects at staff or other children, spitting, Pushing and vandalism in any form, fighting and theft.  Retaliation will not be accepted. The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy. Sanctions are used to discourage unacceptable behaviour. However, pupils feel more secure if they know the boundaries of acceptable behaviour and what sanction will be applied if they exhibit negative behaviour. Sanctions are applied fairly, calmly and consistently. Children should see a clear distinction between serious and minor misdemeanours. Sanctions if applied should maintain self-respect. We respond to children’s inappropriate Behaviour through:

Verbal reprimand by childcare practitioner Behaviour reported to a senior member of staff leading to informal discussion and reprimand Offending items removed from the incident/tidying, clearing equipment, Parents contacted, removal of privileges, Fine or payment for loss or damaged property

Dazzling Stars will keep its policy and procedures under review and will amend or apply change in light of reflection or any feedback through monitoring and evaluation.

Dazzling Stars aim to provide a safe, secure and happy environment for children to prosper and develop.  It is also our intention to give a high standard of care and Education. We appreciate there may be occasions when you feel we have not offer you and your child/children the service that you require. We hope that you will feel free and discuss any concern or issues that you may have with us directly. Should you have any compliments or have experience moments when you feel a particular member of the team has performed really well and therefore deserve praise.  Please share with Dazzling Stars team.

 All written complaints will be acknowledged, and once a full investigation has been carried out, we will provide you with a detailed response within 28 days. If you feel that you are unable to talk to us or that after communicating the matter remains unresolved then you can talk in confidence to: Our Early Years Development Officer on: 0203 0454263 or The Early Years Team on : 028 3752 2262 If you wish to make a formal complaint then you can contact the Ofsted Complaints and Investigation Unit. If child protection issues are raised, the manager will refer the situation to the Club’s Child Protection Officer, who will then contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and follow the procedures of the Safeguarding Children Policy. If a criminal act is committed, the manager will contact the police. These are Ofsted details in case there is a need to complain:

Address:   Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD Telephone: 0300 123 1231 (General enquiries) 0300 123 4666 (complaints)



Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2017): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Complaints [3.74-3.75 ( Folder )


Nutrition and Food Policy Dazzling stars Pre-school, is aware of the importance of establishing healthy eating habits.  Food hygiene, preparation and procedures are a key focus to Dazzling Stars. This policy applies to all children, parents, staff, volunteers and students during their attendance within the setting.  (EYFS Statutory Framework 3.45 – 3.47) Children will be encouraged to try new tastes, textures and flavours and to experience food from other cultures whilst considering dietary options and allergic reaction. The setting promotes a positive attitude to healthy eating through daily routines, planned curriculum activities and general discussions. Different fruits such as banana, citrus fruits, grapes, watermelon etc. will be provided daily. Fresh drinking water and milk will be supplied and made available to all children throughout the day.  Children will be fully supervised at meal time. Practitioners will model good table manners and hygiene practices according to children’s individual age.  Children will be encouraged to be as independent as possible during meal times with support from Key person according to their age and stage of development. Plates, cups and cutlery are wash, dry and stored daily.   Every child dietary requirements and/or preferences will be detailed at the time of enrolment including any allergies a child may have or special health requirements.

Dazzling Stars will notify the local authority environmental health department and Ofsted in relation to two or more cases of food poisoning. This should be done as soon as possible and/or within 14 days of the outbreak.  Parents are also asked to inform the setting regarding any signs or symptoms of food poisoning that a child may have at home.  The infection control procedure must be followed if the need arises. Practitioners discuss with children the importance of a balanced diet. Sweets for children are not permitted at Dazzling stars. We limit access to fatty or sugary foods. Children are never forced to eat or drink anything against their will.


Dazzling Stars is committed to provision of outdoor play for all children.  Different outdoor activities will be made appropriately available to all children in order to develop their large and small muscles, to experience an environment that is different to the inside of the setting and more importantly access sunlight in order to absorb vitamin D. The outdoor areas, both within the outside play ground and in the local community have a wealth of resources which help children to develop in a variety of ways. Outdoor play enhances children independence, exploration and investigative skills; it promotes risk taking and self esteem. Practitioners will ensure all areas are safe and secure through close supervision and the use of robust risk assessments. Practitioners have being trained appropriately to ensure these procedures are followed effectively. Parents’ permission will be sought before any child leaves setting during the day; this includes short outings to local community i.e. visit to the library, Post Office or grocery shops.  Please refer to the visits and outings policy for further information on this process. All outdoor play opportunities and outings will complement the indoor activities and provide children with both adult-led and child-initiated opportunities to enable children to learn and practice new skills, knowledge and behaviours. The setting will use this policy alongside the following policies to ensure the safety and welfare of children throughout their time outside.

 It is our policy to keep children in our care safe whilst on outings In order to do this we will ensure that: The ratio of adults to children on any outing will never be less than prescribed in EYFS We carry out a trial run and full risk assessment of the proposed outing, noting opening times, timetables for public transport/car parking arrangements and toilets/nappy changing facilities etc. We obtain written parental permission for children to take part in regular, local outings whilst in our care and specific written permission for a longer outing. We take essential records and equipment for each child on outings as necessary, including contact telephone numbers for parents, a first-aid kit and a mobile telephone. We keep records of our own and any other vehicles in which children are transported, including insurance details and a list of named drivers, and we make these available to parents. We ensure that driver transporting children in their own vehicle have adequate business insurance cover and age appropriate car safety seats. This also applies to the use of mini cabs. We make sure parents aware of what we will do in the event of a lost child (please refer to Dazzling Stars Lost Child policy).


At Dazzling stars we are committed to work alongside Parents/Carers to support all aspects of your child’s care and learning. We aim to provide high quality childcare in a safe, caring and stimulating environment. We want all our children to enjoy learning through play in all areas of the curriculum. We want to help them develop their skills, knowledge and attitudes which will enable them to learn and succeed.  Parents and carers are child’s first educator; we believe that only by working in partnership with them can we best support their child in reaching their full potential. We operate an Open Door policy, so if mothers/fathers/carers want to discuss anything with a member of the Dazzling stars Management Team and alternatively we can be contacted on the Dazzling stars mobile phone 07492403952/01322 839556 or via email hello.dazzlingstars@gmail.com


 Through working with Parents/carers we aim to:


Deliver inclusive practice that promotes and values diversity and equality of opportunity. We ensure each child’s basic and additional needs are met on a day-to-day basis. Encourage Parents/carer’s participation in their child’s development and learning both at home and at the setting Support Parents/carers in gaining knowledge in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage, how children learn and develop and the role of play in early years learning. Develop a shared understanding of our ethos, aims, values, policies and practices. Create a relationship based on shared responsibility and mutual respect where parents/carers feel welcome within the setting and their contributions are valued. Encourage Parents/carers participation in the reviewing/updating and implementing of all policies and procedures. Seek feedback from questionnaires which helps us to evaluate and develop practice. Work together for the benefit of the setting, for example organising and participating in fundraising events. Achieve the Themes and Commitments established within the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, these include the themes of ‘Positive Relationships’ and ‘Parents as Partners’. Ensure that Parents/carers are provided with support and guidance, when required. Ensure that we recognise, identify and respond to a child’s additional or special educational needs. Promote an ethos of information sharing which may require us to seek and share information with other providers that the child attends or professionals that they see outside of the setting such as Speech and Language Therapists or other services from Local Authority.


Review date: __________________________ Signed: _______________________________

The safety of your child is paramount to us.  We have a full, clean driving license, which is available for you to see on request We ensure Pre School car is in road worthy condition by having it regularly serviced by a reputable garage We will ensure it complies with all legislation, MOT, Car Tax etc Car Insurance and the Certificate are up to date. We will avoid where possible taking your child to a Petrol Station and ensure cars are full tank before we embark on any journey.  We  also ensure car seats are correctly fitted, age and stage appropriate for the children using them and that they are correctly strapped into them We will ensure that child safety locks are in use at all times. There is  First Aid kit in the car in case of an emergency We will never leave a child unattended in a car. We will teach your child about the dangers of cars and roads usage, in an age appropriate way. We will let you know in advance if we are making any special trips or long trips in the car. If your child suffers from travel sickness please let us know immediately.

Our setting work in compliance with government regulations in regards to inclusion and anti discriminatory practice: We believe all children should have equal access to appropriate care as we provide a friendly, caring environment in which all children are encouraged to develop irrespective of gender, race, social, class, special needs or religion We value each child’s heritage and background and positively encourage respect and understanding for cultural and social diversities. We operate a zero tolerance policy towards discrimination of all forms at Dazzling stars either direct, indirect, segregation or victimisation.


Dazzling stars Management

We work in accordance with all relevant legislation. We believe in promoting equal opportunities for everyone and value diversity in children, parents, carers, and visitors. We believe that every child is entitled to equal access to a broad balanced, EYFS curriculum tailored to their learning style, development and interest. At Dazzling Stars, we ensure all children develop self-confidence and high esteem whilst recognising and valuing differences between themselves and others. The diversity of individuals and communities is valued and respected. No child or family will ever be intentionally discriminated against.  We encourage children to recognise their own unique qualities and the characteristics they share with other children. We work with families and ensure that individual information for every child about family customs and beliefs, home language; dietary requirements are collected, so we can cater for each child’s individuality. We provide broad and balanced resources and activities to ensure children understand and respect the multicultural diversity of the society and community they reside. Resources include dual language books; home corner equipments which reflect a range of home cultures, stories which reflect the diversity of our society are available. We promote anti-bias activities to actively challenge negative feelings towards and stereotyping of others. This will be partly through using dolls, puppets and books to tell stories which help children to question their own feelings and views and also to promote a sense of justice and fairness. Children at Dazzling Stars celebrate a wide range of cultural festivals irrespective of ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties or disabilities, or gender. 


It is recognised that children who attend Dazzling Stars may require medication from time to time. We have therefore set out guidelines which will inform Parents and Carers of our procedures when administering medication. We have also provided information about how we can deliver first aid treatment to children whilst they are in our care. Dazzling Stars Childcare Meeting the EYFS Requirements Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare “We promote the good health of children, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection, and take appropriate action when they are ill.”

Every Practitioner at Dazzling Stars is Paediatric First Aid Certified.  First Aid Box is located in the office.   Special burns first aid kit is stored in the office as well.  First aid box are replenished appropriately.  Parents and Carers are asked whether or not they would like their child to receive emergency medical treatment on the registration form. A copy of their response is kept in the office and in the child’s room to refer to when necessary. Parents and Carers are informed of any accident involving their child and are asked to sign an accident form to acknowledge that they have been informed. On some occasions parents and Carers may be informed by telephone prior to coming to collect their child so they have advanced notice. Accidents and incidents are reviewed monthly to help identify any potential trends or re-occurring causes of injury which may be contributing to accidents within the Centre.


Emergency Treatment

Should a child require emergency hospital treatment, designated practitioner will accompany the child to hospital. Parent/carer will be informed immediately by the setting manager/designated practitioner.  The incident will be recorded and reported to Ofsted. A review will be held to help identify if there is anything that could be done to (prevent a similar incident occurring and improve the emergency treatment procedure. If an incident involves a member of staff, a member of the management team will accompany the member of staff to the hospital and the same procedure will be followed.

Staff at Dazzling Stars provides intimate care and does so in a professional manner.  We ensure child’s safety; dignity and privacy are maintained at all times. ‘Intimate care’ covers any task that involves the washing, touching or carrying out a procedure to intimate personal areas and is associated with bodily functions and personal hygiene, including, toileting, washing, dressing, and personal care. Staff are aware of safeguarding issues and will have relevant training (e.g. health and safety, child protection, manual handling) before providing intimate care. No child should suffer distress or pain as a result of receiving intimate care. Practitioners will work in partnership with parents or carers to provide care appropriate to the needs of the child. When intimate care is given, the member of staff will explain to the child each task that is carried out and the reasons for it. If a child requires intimate care on a regular basis, it is good practice for two members of staff to share the care between them. In this way the child is less likely to become overly dependent on a single member of staff, and to become distressed if their usual carer is occasionally unavailable. However, parents’ views on the number of staff providing personal care to their child must also be taken into consideration – some children may simply be unable to cope with more than one practitioner. We have policies in place that promote safe recruitment, as well as having sound staff supervision, safeguarding and intimate care procedures; together these ensure that, should a child need consistent care from one member of staff, the child’s safety and well-being will not be compromised.

Protecting children

Practitioners are familiar with guidance from the Local Safeguarding Children Board. The setting procedures reflect the guidance in Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) and staff are familiar with the What ‘To Do If You’re Worried’ A Child Is Being Abused. If a member of staff is concerned about any physical changes to a child, such as marks, bruises, soreness etc, they will inform the manager or the Pre School designated child protection officer immediately. The procedures set out in the Safeguarding Children policy will be implemented. Should a child become unhappy about being cared for by a particular member of staff, the manager will investigate and record any findings? These will be discussed with the child’s parents or carers. If a child makes an allegation against a member of staff, the procedure set out in the Safeguarding Children policy will be followed.

Dazzling stars will use setting mobile phone to store parents / emergency contact numbers so they are available when we go on outings, Dazzling Stars will do everything possible to keep setting mobile phone safe and the information stored on it secure so your data are not compromised. The use of mobile phones or cameras by parents or visitors is prohibited in at my setting. This is to prevent unauthorised photographs, videos and recordings being taken. We will seek your permission to take any photographs of your child record activities and share their progress with you. Photographs will only be taken by Dazzling Stars Practitioners Any photographs taken can only be used for the following to ensure children are safeguarded:


Your child’s learning journal, your child’s daily diary, Your child’s records, my observations, assessment and planning on your child’s development. Photographs are shared with parents to show evidence of their learning and development. As requested and agreed on individual written permission forms.


Digital photographs will be deleted as soon as possible after getting a paper copy of them and are password protected on my computer. Photos of children at the setting will not be published or shared without permission, unless required by law. This may include sharing them with Ofsted, local authority development workers, the child’s parent /carer or Local Safeguarding Children Board if there is a safeguarding concern. Dazzling Stars will ensure your child is appropriately dressed for any learning activity before taking any photographs.

Dazzling Stars operates a no smoking policy in line with current legislation.  Smoking has proved to be a health risk, therefore the setting operates a strict no smoking policy within its premises and grounds. Procedure


No smoking signs are displayed both inside and outside of the premises. You are respectfully required to abstain from smoking whilst on the premises. This rule also applies to staff, students, parents, carers, visitors, contractors etc. In order to prevent smoking from the setting we ensure all staff, students, volunteers, parents/carers are made aware of the no smoking policy upon first entry to the setting.  Practitioners are not allowed to smoke during outings or outdoor play. We also request that in case parents accompany children on outings must refrain from smoking


Staffs who smoke do not do so during working hours. Staffs who smoke can do that during their break and off the premises.  Staffs are advised to make every effort to reduce the effect of the odour and lingering effects of passive smoking for children and colleagues.


Dazzling Star setting will take enforcement action against any person who is non-compliant and this may take the form of disciplinary action for employees, or possible fixed penalty fine or criminal prosecution for other individuals. To support smokers who would like to give up, contact NHS helpline on 0800 0224 332 or access information online smokefree.nhs.uk


Date to be reviewed   ______________________ Signed on behalf of the


Management Committee  _______________  Dazzling Stars  ______________________  


Thank you for choosing us to look after your child, we appreciate your trust and we will endeavour to make your child’s experiences with us pleasurable and rewarding.


We provide opportunities for children to learn through play. Our environment is fully equipped with resources to make and ensure your child enjoys our sessions of activities.  We require that you drop and pick your child/children at agreed times pick Sessions are expected to be paid for weekly and monthly in advance so that your child is prepared for. You must keep the pre-planned attendance agreements made for your child.  There is no refund for a missed pre-paid session.  Parents are welcome to prepare child’s meal and bring it well packed with feeding instructions and child’s name on the pack. Please feel free to notify us of any special or learning need of your child. Dazzling stars will not give medication to children except prescribed by a doctor with written consent signed by parents. First aid will be given to child if necessary Please do not send your child to setting if unwell, germs and diseases spread easily among children.  Dazzling stars staff will inform you immediately your child feels unwell and advice you accordingly.


Please inform us in writing at least one in advance if there is a need to withdraw your child from setting. 


I have agreed to the following arrangements for my child………………………………………….


Signed…………………………………………………( Parent/Carer )


Dazzling Stars Consent Form


I have agreed to the following arrangements for my child visiting:




Please complete the following


Child’s name …………………………………………………………



Parent’s Name ……………………………………………………



Signed & Date …………………………………………………………..



In the event of an accident or emergency on this educational visit, I agree to the person in charge of the party giving consent on my behalf for anaesthetic to be administered, or for any other urgent medical treatment to be given.


Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………………                                       

Emergency Information Please Provide the following information in case of emergency  Child’s date of Birth …………………………………………………………


Home Address …………………………………………………………


Doctor’s name and address…………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Allergies


to medication – if yes, please specify Yes/No …………………………………………………………


Contact name and telephone number …………………………………………………………



Alternative name and contact number …………………………………………………………


At Dazzling Stars we are committed to the highest standards of health and safety for children, parents, visitors and ourselves. In order to ensure this, we Conduct daily risk assessment and review it regularly – at least once a year or more frequently when need arise. The risk assessment will cover outdoor and indoor spaces, furniture, equipment and toys. A record will be maintained of areas which have been checked. The following areas will be considered when a risk assessment takes place:


Boundaries and gates keep closed and locked at all times. Water hazards, e.g. drains and pools daily safety checks to make sure it is safe before children arrive. Hazardous substances and equipment to be kept out of children’s reach. Electricity securely sealed. Regular gas safety checks. Maintain hygiene, cleanliness and minimise the risk of infection. Outings and trips will be prepared for in advance through assessments and checks of roads, pathways and safe short cut. Educational toys are checked and cleaned regularly to ensure they are safe to use. Children will only be offered appropriate toys for their age and development.  Sandpits are protected from contamination. Dazzling stars ensure fire regulations are adhered to including regular fire drills. Outdoor Play areas are checked and thoroughly clean and made safe for children’s outdoor activities and play.    

At Dazzling stars Children are supervised by adults at all times according to the child/adult ratio.  Hot water/drinks are not permitted where children are present.

First aid box are stocked appropriately and within expiry date. Children are kept within sight of practitioner whilst they sleep.  Learning and development educational toys are age appropriately used, as equipment suitable for older children may pose a risk to less mature or younger children. WE teach children hand-washing routines and other health related issues in a developmentally appropriate way. Dazzling Stars insurance policies are relevant and up to date.  We also use appropriate harnesses for buggies, high chairs, walking whilst children are out.  Dazzling stars business car is regularly serviced with current MOT. There is child safety locks on the doors. The car is registered for Business.


Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the premises, plants in our garden within children’s reach are not poisonous or prickly. Children are encouraged to wash hands before eating and after using toilet, touching pets, playing in garden etc. Baby changing mat is cleaned after each use and checked for cracks. Children use paper towels for drying their hands. Work surfaces in the kitchen are cleaned daily.  


All areas accessible to children (including toys and equipment) are cleaned regularly. We ensure children do not have access to any waste so refuse bins are emptied daily and used nappies are double wrapped and placed in the outdoor rubbish bin. We follow strict hygiene guidelines to prevent contamination. We have emergency contact details of all parents on our database.


Dazzling stars teach children about safety issues like crossing the road, making healthy food choices and importance of physical exercise. We will restrain a child if they are putting themselves or others in danger, for example running into a road. We take travel first aid kits with us on every outing.


Practitioners update themselves periodically on different trainings including Health and Safety for development and awareness

Dazzling stars provides targeted appropriate activities of child’s needs, interests, and abilities Overview of the child before start date


Child’s routine Likes and dislikes Developmental milestones Stage of development


Emotional Behaviour


Assessing children’s communication and language


Listening skills, Speaking and Reading


Practitioner will support child to the next step through communicating, modelling language, showing, and explaining, demonstrating, questioning, encouraging, facilitating and stimulating children at all times. Practitioner would introduce new vocabulary; extend their knowledge. Practitioner to play a range of sound and listening games.  Practitioner retelling and recalling stories.  Practitioner to increase level of challenge and frequency of adult focused activities as children get older or as they showed indications that their individual needs are met.  Provider: to provide children with purposeful and interesting activities that child could independently access to continue to learn and develop.


Good partnership with parents, practitioners working effectively and efficiently with appropriate agency such as speech and language therapist, local authority, paediatricians, health visitors and  social services etc.


Dazzling Stars will comply with all the legal requirements set out in the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ – September 2021.  Our priority and responsibility is to ensure children in our care are safe and well. If we have any cause for concern we will report it, following the local Safeguarding Children Board procedures in England. We understand that child abuse can be Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Neglect or mixture of these. We are registered with OFSTED, have completed Child Protection training, we have qualified First Aider at the setting. Staffs are DBS checked we encourage independence as much as the child’s ability allows. All children are appropriately supervised at all times. Written parental permission will be obtained before children are taken on outings. Dazzling Stars will follow ‘working Together to safeguard children’ procedure. We will inform Ofsted without delay, of any allegations of serious harm or abuse by any person living, working, or looking after children in the premises (whether that allegation related to harm or abuse committed on the premises or elsewhere), or any other abuse which is alleged to have taken place. If we have a concern about a child we will talk to the parents or legal guardian if it is safe to do so. If we still feel justifiably concerned we will contact Social Services and Ofsted.  If necessary, we will contact the police, and take advice. Where we suspect sexual abuse has occurred we will contact Social Services without first speaking to parents. A record will be kept of any concerns. Any concerns regarding children will be kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information. We keep up to date with child protection issues and relevant legislation by taking regular training courses and by reading relevant publications. We encourage parents to notify us of any concern they have about their child/children and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child/children, which will be recorded. We work together with parents to make sure the care of their child is consistent. We will have one to one talk with parent if we have any concern or notice significant changes in behaviour in a child i.e. unexpected bruising or marks, comments made which give us cause for concern and deterioration in general wellbeing which causes concern.


We will keep a factual record of the concern, and will ask the parents for an explanation, providing it would not put the child at risk. We will implement the local Safeguarding Children Board procedures without delay if there is enough evidence that child is at risk. Terrorism The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on early years providers “to have due regard to the need to prevent child/children from being drawn into terrorism” (The Prevent duty) Dazzling stars staff will continually educate themselves to ensure we are aware of such activities amongst our children and family. Safeguarding child from Sex Exploitation Child sexual exploitation (CSE) and trafficking – CSE is illegal activity by people who have some form of power and control over children and use it to sexually abuse them. It involves forcing or enticing a child (under the age of 18) to take part in sexual activities whether or not the child is aware of what is happening, including exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where children (or a third person or persons) receive ‘something’ (e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of performing, and/or others performing on them, sexual activities. CSE can be a form of organised or complex abuse, involving a number of abusers and/ or a number of children. CSE can occur through use of technology without the child’s immediate recognition, for example the persuasion to post sexual images on the internet/ mobile phones with no immediate payment or gain. In all cases those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources. At Dazzling Stars, our first responsibility and priority is towards the children in our care. If we have any cause for concern we will report it to Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Ofsted.  I must notify Ofsted of any allegations of abuse, which are alleged to have taken place while the child is in my care.

We offer reassurance to the Child. We Listen to the Child, We reassurance Child that action will be taken, we will not question the Child




The Child’s name, The child’s address, The age of the child,  The date and time of the observation or the disclosure An objective record of the observation or disclosure The exact words spoken by the child The name of the person to whom the concern was reported, date and time,  The name of other person present. Practitioner’s signature date and time 



Dazzling Stars setting Procedures for Reporting Suspected Abuse


Staff member talks to child Staff member shares concerns with Childminding setting’s leader Staff member speaks to Parents Staff member carries out observations to see if other unexpected injuries/incidents occur and keeps confidential records Staff member agrees with setting’s leader that Social Services and parents be contacted

The fundamental British values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs. Dazzling Stars promote good manners and respect for other people’s cultures and beliefs; as well as teaching children right from wrong at early age. We celebrate relevant festivals throughout the year; we celebrate our similarities and differences. Democracy can be demonstrated in action by children sharing views on what they want with a show of hands.  We teach children decision making and respect for each other’s views and values; Dazzling stars promote the importance of having rules and boundaries in place and why it is important of abide to these  rules. We teach the children to have a positive sense of who they are and to believe in their own abilities and challenge themselves.  We celebrate diversity, embracing different cultures and introduce children to different ways of life.  We use resources and create activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping. We make sure children have access to the wider community and resources. We teach children not to stereotype, but considerate and accepting of others, despite their differences.

Practitioners at Dazzling stars are aware that sometimes delays are unavoidable especially if you are relying on public transport. It is important that parent/carer arrive at contracted time to collect child.  Child can become distressed if you are late.   If you are delayed, for whatever reason please contact staff and let us know when you expect to arrive. We will reassure your child that you are on your way and if necessary organise additional activities. If a child is not collected within 15 minutes and I have not heard from the parents, we will contact parent by phone and call emergency contact numbers as well. .  During this time, we will continue to look after the child.  After 30 minutes from the original agreed collection time, if we have not heard from the parents or emergency contact, we will contact the Local Authority duty social worker and follow their advice.

Dazzling stars will ask parents for personal data about themselves and their child/ren to deliver a childcare service. We are required to hold and use this personal data to comply with the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, Ofsted, Department for Education and the Local Authority. We take families’ privacy seriously, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will process any personal data according to the seven principles below: We will be clear about what data we are collecting, and why. We will only use the data for the reason it is initially obtained. This means that we will not use a person’s data to market a product or service that is unconnected to the reasons for which they shared the data with us. Dazzling Stars will only collect child’s relevant data to do the job.  We will not keep data any longer than needed. We will protect personal data securely. Parents/Guardian has the right to inspect records about their child at any time in writing. This will be provided without delay and no later than one month after the request, we encourage Parents to update us if there are changes in circumstances. Dazzling Stars will store information securely in a password-protected computer which is accessed only by other practitioners. We will share child’s information if child attends more than one setting. We are also required to share information with the Local Authority regarding the childcare and early year entitlements. We will not share information with anyone without parents’ consent, unless there is a child protection concern. Ofsted may require access to setting records at any time.

At Dazzling Stars the care and safety of your child/children is paramount to us.  We conduct a full risk assessment ahead of any outings, trips or event to ensure the safety of all children. As a child care provider, Dazzling Stars work hard to ensure all children are kept safe, during outings. However in the unlikely events of any child going missing in our care, the police will be contacted immediately, as well as parents/carers or emergency person if parent is not reachable. OFSTED will  be informed and all necessary paperwork will be completed. Whilst on any outing, all parent/carer contact details will be on us at all times, in case such an emergency should arise. Children will always be encouraged to explore and gain an understanding of the world around them, however during outing, children will be provided with a wrist strap with Dazzling Stars telephone number on it.  Children in our care will be taught to stay close, not to stray away from adult caring for them. We will teach children the dangers of wandering off and of talking to strangers. There will be an allocated meeting point designated and shown to all children at the start of the outing, and we will ensure all children are aware of what they should do if they got lost. Written Procedure to follow in the unlikely event of this happening i.e. outing


We will immediately raise the alarm to all around us that we are looking for a child and enlist the help of everyone to look for child If it is a secure area such as a shopping centre, we will quickly alert the security staff so they can seal off exits and monitor the situation on any CCTV We will provide everyone involved in the search with a description of the child. We will reassure the other children with us, as they may be distressed We will then alert the police and provide a full description We will then alert the parents of the situation and inform Ofsted


A written account of any such incidents and the confidentiality aspect will be kept. This will always remain filed away out of sight, not discussed with others unless it is in the best interest of the children and with the appropriate professionals/agencies.

Parent carers name _________________________________________


signature ___________________Date________________


Most recent documentation includes the new Prevent Duty Guidance which all providers must comply with as of July 2015.  The document can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/445977/3799_Revised_Prevent_Duty_Guidance__England_Wales_V2-Interactive.pdf The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on Early Years settings to ‘have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’ (The Prevent Duty). The new documentation will be used and referred to alongside other safeguarding documents such as ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ and information.  You can raise any concern relating to extremism to Department for Education telephone helpline (020 7340 7264).  Concerns can also be raised by email to: counter.extremism@education.gsi.gov.uk. Practitioners at Dazzling stars are aware of signs and indicators of extremism or radicalisation and have completed e-learning training. Our staff will report any concerns about extremism or radicalisation regarding a child or any member of their family to relevant Prevent Officer at the Local Authority.